Dear all,

Planning for Wilton Hill now published
A milestone has been reached with the submission of revised planning for the former Erskine site. The documents can be inspected 9am-1pm weekdays at the Wilton Council chamber, or search online on the Wiltshire Council planning portal for application number 13/04870/OUT.  There are 150 documents, and I suggest you first look at the Planning Statement, the Design and Access Statement and the Statement of Community Involvement.

The CLT Board believes the planning application shows that our community’s involvement with our partners Redrow and OurEnterprise has already made a substantial difference.

The closing date for comment is 14th November, and I’ll report report back to you after out next partnership meeting in late November on how the public and authorities are reacting to the submission.

Need to strengthen the CLT Board
There’s much to do and the Board has gaps. If interested, or you know someone who may be, please email me on, or write to Wilton Community Land Trust, c/o The Secretary,101 North Street, Wilton, SP2 0HP
The board will hold informal meetings with people who are interested. Our activities cover everything from Wilton Hill development itself to community projects responding to public demand.

I really look forward to hearing from you, on Wilton Hill and if interested, to know more about the Board. In the end, what we achieve depends on what we put in ourselves.

Ken Taylor, Chair, Wilton Community Land Trust         25th October 2013